The Great Green Transformation™

Your complete online step-by-step transformation program to live an impactful yet effortless green lifestyle in the city

You Might Have Seen Me On

German Federal Association for Sustainability Feature - Green Living Academy
Airbnb Vegan Food and Sustainability Tour - Green Living Tour Berlin - Green Living Academy
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Zero Waste e.V. Berlin Feature - Green Living Academy

What if I told you, you can easily live an impactful green lifestyle and become a green pro, ditching the guilt about our future and the planet, without compromising your lifestyle or breaking the bank?

Because I know you care and want to make an impact towards a better future, right?

You want a life where you feel …

▶︎ … like you’re making a difference and have a great impact on the future of our planet

▶︎ … aligned with your morals and values

▶︎ … peaceful because you know how to make green decisions like a pro

▶︎ … like you’re living a fulfilled and purposeful life


You want to …

  • Save The Ocean From Plastic

  • Fight Climate Change

  • Save Money While Protecting The Planet

  • Protect Nature and the Home of Animals

  • Impactfully Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

  • Fight Against Deforestation


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And I get it, up until now a green lifestyle has probably sounded more like ….

▶︎ … a looot of work and time commitment

▶︎ … sacrifice of what you love to do (we all like to travel, eat yummy food, have fun!)

▶︎ … a lot of overwhelm on where to get started or what matters

▶︎ … tons of complicated information (I hate those statistic charts, too)

▶︎ … having to feel guilty because you aren’t doing enough

▶︎ … having to spend a lot of money

I know because I felt all of those things, too!

I used to feel …

dead guilty about not doing my part for the future of our planet

overwhelmed - I kept thinking: how do I know what actually makes a difference?!

like I wasn’t walking my talk and didn’t feel aligned with my values and morals

But let’s look at my lifestyle today

Fast forward a few years and I’m living an impactful green lifestyle in Berlin without compromises and feel like my most purposeful and aligned self. Thanks to my lifestyle I am able to massively reduce my carbon footprint, save animals and their habitat, fight climate change and so much more all while saving a ton of money! It’s a win-win!

  • 1 trash bag


    I barely use plastic & fill less than 1 bag of non-recyclable landfill trash a year!

  • 730 animal lives


    I continue to save 730 animal lives each year in my 2 person household alone!

  • 3.8 tons of Co2


    I have reduced my carbon footprint to 3.8 tons per year! (in the U.S. the average person emits 16 tons/year)

  • 1,500 sq meters


    I save 1,500 sqm (16,145 sq ft) of forest each year! That’s around 6 tennis courts.

  • 18,000 USD


    I save around 18,000 USD per year simply with the lifestyle changes I teach!

  • 5,179 liters


    I save 5,170 liters (1,366 gallons) of water a year! That’s around 35 bathubs full.


And now I want to get you there, too!

 The Great Green Transformation™

A personalized transformation program to get you straight to that lifestyle in a matter of weeks without taking years to figure it all out so that the only feelings you get to feel is supported, structured, impactful and happy!

Green Living Academy The Great Green Transformation Program

What you’ll learn


The Basics of Green Living


Where we go over questions like: What does “green” actually mean? As well as everything you need to actually know about Climate Change, Plastic Pollution, Sustainability and more (all in a nutshell - quick and easy with resources if you want to go deeper into a topic).


How To Adapt a Green Mindset


You’ll learn the basics of “manifestation” and “mindset” and their role in green living. We will also cover how you free yourself from eco-guilt, how to consume less and live happier as well as how to ditch perfectionism and become a do’er.


How To Make Green Decisions Like a Pro


We will go into the question of the impact of individual vs. systemic action. I will then teach you to understand your carbon footprint, how to detect greenwashing, how to make intentional choices, become waste wise (and understanding what “waste” really means) and teach you the role of plants in all areas of consumption.


Taking Concrete Action With 200 Tips, Tricks, Swaps & Hacks


This is where we get into action! Having the mindset in place and the knowledge to go with it, it’s time to transform your home and life, starting from your bathroom, kitchen, home, closet, the holidays, what you eat and the food you buy to how you travel and go out. The action steps are categorized into easy, intermediate and advanced and you will use the personalized roadmap we created beforehand to make changes according to your lifestyle and personality to achieve optimal green success.


Testimonial Green Living Academy The Great Green Transformation Program

“Manja is truly one of the greatest gifts to the planet. I first found her through her instagram page and after reading one post my jaw dropped. This woman is so passionate and educated on the world and the direction it’s headed. I can’t imagine my future impact on the planet, had I not come across her page. She has transformed my understanding of what it really means to be eco friendly and learn that as a young person, not everything with a green label is really so green. She has taught me so many things about the big green ecoverse and I truly cherish everything she has taught me.”

— Caitlin, Gold Coast Australia


You will …

▶︎ … massively cut your carbon emissions

▶︎ … save a lot of money on your living expenses

▶︎ … cut waste, plastics and other nasties out of your life to become your healthiest, clearest and most fulfilled self

▶︎ … save time that you get to spend doing things you love instead of spending hours researching

▶︎ … receive a certificate from the Green Living Academy upon completion

Green Living Academy The Great Green Transformation Program


 Don’t miss enrollment when doors open!

Be the first to get limited bonus offers and discounts and be notified as soon as doors open so you don’t miss out.

 Upon enrollment you'll have immediate access to all course content including:

+ all time access across all devices +

Take a peek inside the course!

    1. A warm welcome

    2. My journey and how I teach

    3. Personality Tests – Your Learning and Transformation Type

    4. Creating a personalized profile for your green living journey

    5. Using your profile to achieve effortless green success

    6. Our private online community access

    1. What does “green” actually mean?

    2. Climate Change, Plastic Pollution, Sustainability and more

    3. Learning the Basics of Manifestation/Mindset and its role in green living

    4. How you free yourself from eco-guilt

    5. How to consume less and live happier

    6. Ditching perfectionism and becoming a do’er

    1. Individual vs Systemic Action? Solving the impact question once and for all

    2. Understanding and calculating your carbon footprint

    3. Greenwashing and how to detect it (3-part analysis)

    4. Learning how to make intentional choices

    5. Becoming Waste Wise (and Understanding what “waste” really means)

    6. Rethinking the role of plants in all areas of consumption (Food, Clothes and more)

    1. How to Use the “Taking Green Action” Modules

    2. Using your green profile to create a roadmap

    3. Making successful green changes with your personal roadmap

  • ⚠️ This is only visible to enrolled students

  • ⚠️ This is only visible to enrolled students

  • ⚠️ This is only visible to enrolled students

  • ⚠️ This is only visible to enrolled students

  • ⚠️ This is only visible to enrolled students

  • ⚠️ This is only visible to enrolled students

  • ⚠️ This is only visible to enrolled students

    1. A Look Back on your green journey

    2. How to communicate your lifestyle to family and friends

    3. How to stay strong and aligned around criticism

  • ⚠️ This is only visible to enrolled students

  • ⚠️ This is only visible to enrolled students

🎓📃 Receive your certificate after completion for your CV, LinkedIn or employer 📃🎓

Green Living Academy The Great Green Transformation Program

What’s also included

2 Personality Tests to determine your Learning and Transformation Type

The creation of a personalized profile that creates a roadmap for your individual green journey

Extra Bonuses!

Access to a private online course community

★ Social support module on how to communicate and feel confident in your new lifestyle around family and friends


Green Living Academy Testimonial Review The Great Green Transformation Program

“Manja is the green friend you never knew your heart needed! She provides so much insight, speaking from her heart and in the most non-judgy fashion. You can really tell that she is there to spread the knowledge that she has learned - not to convince you to change your life, but to give you a chance to envision the world through a new lens.”

— Kiawna, California USA

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Who teaches the GGT program?

Hi, I’m Manja!

a Harvard-certified environmental educator and founder of the Green Tour in Berlin. A few years ago I went from feeling guilty and overwhelmed by what I was doing or rather not doing for the planet and our future (while still having no clue what actually made a difference) to a fulfilled, purposeful and extremely happy green lifestyle without making compromises or breaking the bank. And I created this program to do the same for you!

What People Are Saying

“I learned a lot! Manja is super easy to talk to and very knowledgeable about various topics around sustainability and their applications. Can only recommend!”

— Georg, Freiburg Germany

“Honestly, I learn so much from Manja. I’m always sending people to her page! She’s fantastic!”

— Dee, Barcelona Spain

Manja has an incredible knowledge and gave me the feeling of being welcome at any time. At any time I could ask questions, which were answered very comprehensively.

— Saskia, Hilden Germany

Join the waitlist for this online education program on sustainability and green living from a Harvard certified trainer. Don’t miss the enrollment period.

Who is the GGT program for?


✔︎ all income and lifestyle types

✔︎ people living in houses

✔︎ people living in apartments/shared flats

✘ those looking to learn about permaculture

✔︎ all ages

✔︎ people living in the city

✔︎ people living in the country

✘ those looking to learn about solar/rainwater installations

Still not sure if you should go all in?

No worries! You can read the FAQ’s below to find answers to all your questions or you can start by taking the free quiz to learn how green you’re really living and to get customized tips sent to your inbox for free.



  • The Great Green Transformation Program is an interactive video-based training program. It teaches those who want to stop feeling guilty and overwhelmed and start feeling in charge and empowered about changing the future of our planet, how to transform their life. I will teach you how to live an impactful yet effortless green and sustainable lifestyle and make confident and educated green choices that feel purposeful and aligned with your values.

  • Upon enrollment you access each module and take the lessons step by step as you go through the program. You will learn with easy-to-follow videos and audios, tutorials, worksheets, helpful links and resources. All of the training is online inside a private, students-only site. You also have access to a private community of students and me as support if you have any questions or want to connect with others.

  • The Enrollment period for the Great Green Transformation Program varies, sign up for the waitlist to stay updated when doors open and close. Once enrolled, the program is self-paced to meet your needs. The material can be reviewed as often as you want.

  • You will have lifetime access to the program across all devices. You can go back and review any chapter at any time and as often as you like. Just don’t miss the enrollment period!

  • No, the program is self-paced. We all learn differently at our own speed and have different lives, so I wanted to make sure that everyone gets to do the program on their own time and however it fits into your life as a student, a mom, nightshift worker or whatever your unique situation might look like.

  • As with any transformation program, your life will change. But that change will not be complicated nor restrictive because you make the rules! This program will teach you the mindset, the tools and the implementation options. You will be the one to decide what works for your lifestyle.

  • Absolutely. Most of the lessons are changes in your home or your mindset and have little to do with your setting. I created this program to fit both, city living and rural living.

  • Yes, more so actually! It is in no way the goal of this program to get you to buy expensive products. You will learn more about why this isn’t actually the most sustainable thing to do anyways within the program. But even when I point to a product that might help, I will always give you a budget-friendly or free option. Overall you will be saving money with this course not spending it. The course is built as a tool for you to make educated decisions that will make you aware of your true needs.

  • First of all, great that you’re doing those things! However, if you want to gain a true and deep understanding of what green sustainable living means, I highly recommend to join the GGT program.

    This course focuses on giving you the background, the mindset and the knowledge to make informed decisions and give you confidence in those decisions. You will also get over 200 hack, tips and tricks. If you’re happy with what your’re doing go for it, if you’d like to become a pro jump aboard 

  • This is a big question that is covered in depth within the program. You will always hear different answers to this question depending on the person you ask. I think the more important question to ask yourself is, do you feel empowered? Does your lifestyle feel aligned with what you wish to see in the future? I think gaining personal knowledge and taking charge of your own life is the first step, because likely you are one of those people working at a company, an NGO or for the government. But let me leave you with this quote: “Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~ Margaret Mead

  • First of all, you don’t have to do anything. This program is designed to help you make your own informed decisions. There is no judgement or pushing in any way. I want you to feel safe. My job is to enable you to see your options, know their impact and do what fits your life.

  • No, true sustainable living is probably going to lower your living costs rather than increase them. There’s a lot of marketing and greenwashing involved in making people believe sustainability means buying things and expensive things at that. What you will learn in this program is how to free yourself from these artificial needs and make informed choices. And take me for example: I needed a lot more money before I knew and did everything I do today. I can live happily, sustainably and without compromise on 1000€ a month in the center of Berlin.

Haven’t found your question? No worries!

Just send me a personal email to or use the chat button on the lower right side of this page.

Thanks, M